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LAFT Berlin Newsletter / PAP - Performing Arts Programm Berlin
The LAFT Berlin newsletter is intended for the members of Berlin's independent performing arts community. It provides information about cultural policy developments and events and provides a comprehensive overview of the events and dates of LAFT Berlin, the Berlin Performing Arts Program as well as other cultural and cultural policy areas. In addition, the newsletter provides information about calls for applications and funding application deadlines.
More Information about LAFT Berlin under
To subscribe to the newsletter, please send an email with the subject Subscribe to Newsletter to: newsletter [at]
Theaterscoutings Berlin Newsletter
The newsletter provides monthly information regarding the comprehensive schedule of ancillary programming for selected productions within Berlin's independent performing arts community as well as additional event information og Theater Scoutings Berlin.
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To subscribe to the newsletter, please send an email with the subject Subscribe to Newsletter to:
newsletter [at]
Berlin Performing Arts Festival Newsletter
The newsletter provides information at irregular intervals regarding the schedule of programming and news about the respectively pending edition of the festival.
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To subscribe to the newsletter, please send an email with the subject Subscribe to Newsletter to:
info [at]
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