MÜDE: Workshop 2
Industry Get-Together
23. Oktober 2021 | 17:00
Vierte Welt, Adalbertstr. 4, Galerie 1.OG, 10999 Berlin
MÜDE: Workshop 2
In English
The workshop is held twice.
The workshop is held twice.
Fatigue and precarity are constantly present in the increasingly unsocial working conditions of a hyper-capitalized world of art. The workshop by the artists Kallia Kefala and Nefeli Gioti seeks to create a space for reflection and collective learning upon the conditions that make us tired and upon the ways we can creatively resist them. Together we will navigate the complex field of fatigue through discussion, games and performative practices.
This workshop is based on materials and working methods of the performance MÜDE, which takes place from October 28th to November 5th at Vierte Welt.
Kallia Kefala (artist) & Nefeli Gioti (dramaturge)