Book Presentation New Communication Formats for the Independent Performing Arts Community

Industry Get-Together
Presentation & Discussion
10. November 2018 | 17:00
Theaterdiscounter, Klosterstraße 44, 10179 Berlin

Book Presentation New Communication Formats for the Independent Performing Arts Community

Eight experimental formats for art communication were initiated, tested and further developed within the independent dance and theater community of Berlin within a framework provided by Theater Scoutings Berlin in collaboration with the Berlin University of the Arts from 2016 to 2018. The publication New Communication Formats for the Independent Performing Arts Community presents these formats, invites the reader to become acquainted with them and try them out as well as encourages them to continue to reflect upon the concepts and forms of art communication.


Swetlana Gorich (Theaterscoutings Berlin / Performing Arts Programm)
Sandra Klöss (LAFT Berlin)
Dr. Peggy Mädler (Freelance author, dramaturge, lecturer)