Coffee and Cake with Representatives of International Festivals for Theater, Dance and Performance

Industry Get-Together
9. October 2015 | 16:30
tak - Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg, Prinzenstraße 85 F, 10969 Berlin

Coffee and Cake with Representatives of International Festivals for Theater, Dance and Performance

Over the course of a shared break for coffee and cake, you have the option of engaging in informal conversations with representatives of a number of national and international festivals for dance, theater and performance.


Gesine Kästner (at.tension Festival, Lärz)
Julia Klinkert (at.tension Festival, Lärz)
Jan Mocek (Prague Quadriennale, Prag)
Kasia Tórz (Malta Festival, Posen)
Małgorzata Mikołajczak (Malta Festival, Posen)
Nicolette Kretz (AUAWIRLEBEN Theaterfestival, Bern)
Dominik Müller (Theaterfestival Impulse, Düsseldorf, Köln, Mühlheim)
Nadine Vollmer (Theaterfestival Impulse, Düsseldorf, Köln, Mühlheim)
Anne Schneider (Hauptsache FREI, Hamburg)
Sophia Stepf (Schwindelfrei Theaterfestival, Mannheim)
N.N. (Theaterfestival FAVORITEN, Hannover/Dortmund (tbc))