Lunch with Initiatives for More Participation in the Performing Arts

Industry Get-Together
10. November 2018 | 13:30
Theaterdiscounter, Klosterstraße 44, 10179 Berlin

Lunch with Initiatives for More Participation in the Performing Arts

Following the workshops and round tables in the morning, the attendees can become acquainted with, exchange and network with initiatives for equal opportunities within the performing arts over the course of a shared lunch. Since the publication of the study Women in Culture and Media (2016) by the Deutscher Kulturrat (the German Cultural Council), the figures attesting to gender discrimination in the performing arts have been clearly provided. Since then, some new initiatives, such as Pro Quote Bühne and Solidarität im Theater have been founded and work with an ever-increasing intersectional perspective on questions of fairness and participation in theater.


Cox Ahlers (Initiative Neuer Zirkus e.V., Berlin)
Therese Nübling (Theater.Frauen)
Theresa Schlesinger (Theater.Frauen)
Thomas Fabian Eder (Die Vielen)
Thorsten Schlenger (48 Stunden Neukölln)
Jakob Weiss (regie-netzwerk)
Johannes Lange (ensemble-netzwerk)
France-Elena Damian (Pro Quote Bühne)
Helena Kontoudakis (Pro Quote Bühne)
Laura Sophia Becker (Pro Quote Bühne)