New Developments or Associations and Allies – Who's Talking?

Industry Get-Together
10. November 2018 | 15:00
Theaterdiscounter, Klosterstraße 44, 10179 Berlin

New Developments or Associations and Allies – Who's Talking?

The Sixth Episode of the Discussion Format of Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste (the German Federal Association of the Performing Arts, or BFDK) invites members of the independent performing arts community to discuss how we can best network ourselves to be heard collectively. What forms of constructive assembly are there? How can decision-making processes be designed, how can demands be realized politically and who actually speaks when and for whom? On the search for existing associations, allies and solidary principles, BFDK invites everyone who wants to do more than make a dinner for one. This discussion series has previously been presented during Hauptsache Frei Hamburg, FAVORITEN in Dortmund, the Avant Art Festival in Gotha and RODEO Munich.


Janina Benduski (Performing Arts Programm)
Anne Schneider (Management, Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste)