Opening Ceremonies with Speeches, Concert, DJs & Buffet, with Contributions from Prof. Dirk Baecker, Lisa Lucassen and more

Industry Get-Together
8. October 2015 | 19:00
tak - Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg, Prinzenstraße 85 F, 10969 Berlin

Opening Ceremonies with Speeches, Concert, DJs & Buffet, with Contributions from Prof. Dirk Baecker, Lisa Lucassen and more

With two central speeches, one from the world of theater and one from beyond it, we want to introduce the most important topics of the Industry Get-Together and begin the encounters, reflections and collaborations of the following two days together. 

The participants of the Industry Get-Together will be greeted by the host associations over the course of the opening ceremonies. Lisa Lucassen, a board member of LAFT Berlin and a member of the performance collective She She Pop will reflect upon her time in the independent performing arts community and will venture a look into the future. Prof. Dr. Dirk Baecker, an established systems theorist with a great affinity for theater (author of the book Wozu Theater? [Why Theater?]) will speak about the theater of the next form of society. 

The host associations invite the participants to enjoy a glass of sparkling wine and a tasty snack. 

Afterward, we will dance and celebrate to the music of the fantastic DJs Danny D. (Casper Band) and Pohlmannstyle!


Prof. Dr. Dirk Baecker (Universität Witten/Herdecke)
Lisa Lucassen (She She Pop, LAFT Berlin)
Alexander Pinto (Bundesverband Freier Theater e.V.)
Simone Willeit (Tanzbüro Berlin)
Janina Benduski (Performing Arts Programm Berlin)
Stefan Sahlmann (Performing Arts Programm Berlin)
Julian Kamphausen (Performing Arts Programm Berlin)
Lisanne Grotz (Performing Arts Programm Berlin)
Sonja Augart (Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin e.V./Haben und Brauchen)
Danny D. (DJ)
Pohlmannstyle (DJ)
Martin Stiefermann (MS Schrittmacher/LAFT Berlin)
Claudia Feest (Dachverband Tanz)