Perspectives - Children's and Youth Theater, Theater in Public Space, Independent Ensembles, Orchestra and Music Theater, Contemporary Circus

Industry Get-Together
Presentation & Discussion
9. November 2018 | 15:00
Theaterdiscounter, Klosterstraße 44, 10179 Berlin

Perspectives - Children's and Youth Theater, Theater in Public Space, Independent Ensembles, Orchestra and Music Theater, Contemporary Circus

Cultural policy advocacy groups and associations are becoming increasingly present and important in all areas and on all levels of the independent arts. Relatively newly founded groups such as FREO Freie Ensembles und Orchester (Independent Ensembles and Orchestras), Initiative Neuer Zirkus (New Circus Initiative), or the interdisciplinary Netzwerk Allianz der Freien Künste (Network Alliance of the Independent Arts) are also indications of the fundamental positive changes achieved by the associations and initiatives who have been working for a longer period of time for their respective fields. 

Despite all of the similarities, the supportive solidarity of those active in cultural policy advocacy also requires a deeper understanding of the special nature of other genres as well as a sensibility to the perspectives fully presented in this format.


Cox Ahlers (Initiative Neuer Zirkus e.V., Berlin)
Andreas Bräunig (FREO)
Dagmar Domrös (LAFT Berlin)
Gregor Pellacini (Bundesverband Theater im Öffentlichen Raum)
Ursula Maria Berzborn (Bundesverband Theater im Öffentlichen Raum)