Separate Stages – Separate Feelings?

Industry Get-Together
Podium Discussion
20. October 2017 | 15:30
HAU3 Hebbel am Ufer, Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin

Separate Stages – Separate Feelings?

Part 2: Immersive Theater as a Laboratory for Affective Dynamics? Topic 2: Close Up – Performance Styles in Immersive Theater

Under the title “Close Up. Performance Styles in Immersive Theater”, the actor and theater scholar Martin Schulz-Coulon, the performer Marie Zwinzscher, who has performed in multiple performance installations by SIGNA, and the actor and theater maker Mille Dalsgaard from Sydhavn Theater in Copenhagen will come together to speak about performance challenges in shared stage spaces: Which techniques does one use to remain in the role? How does one deal with the intimacy, proximity or the personal, emotional stories that audience members bring to the work in one-on-ones?


Mille Daalsgaard (Sydhavn Theater Dänemark)
Marie Zwinzscher (SIGNA)
Martin Schultz-Coulon