Shaping Berlin’s Cultural Policy

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2017 | 14:30
HAU3 Hebbel am Ufer, Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin

Shaping Berlin’s Cultural Policy

The cultural policy spokespersons of the political parties governing Berlin and the chair of the committee for cultural affairs will visit the Industry Get-Together to speak directly and un ltered with the members of the community, hear about needs and ideas rst hand as well as to answer specialist questions in detail. This format also especially invites those who do not speak German to participate. A whispered translation will be offered at each of the four tables.

This format was conceived in cooperation with the Berlin-Brandenburg regional group of the Kulturpolitis- chen Gesellschaft and is conducted together with it.


Sabine Bangert (Chairman of the Committee on Cultural Affairs)
Frank Jahnke (Cultural policy spokesman SPD)
Dr. Michail Nelken (The Left - Member of the Committee on Cultural Affairs)