Digital Rehearsal Space Café: Everything Is In Turmoil
Digital Rehearsal Space Café: Everything Is In Turmoil
The COVID-19 numbers were higher in 2022 than ever before and a war of aggression in Europe has led to displaced persons and inflation. Despite the risks of infection, personnel shortages, planning uncertainties, inflation and a number of other local and global crises, many in the independent performing arts community as well have expected that the daily business would still keep on going.
Just in time for winter, the increased heating and electricity costs are reaching the users of rehearsal spaces and the COVID-19 special funding programs have for the most part ended. How do you deal with this as operator of work and rehearsal spaces? Where are you making cuts? And where are you not making cuts but instead compensating by, for example, increase the rental cost for the space? What could help you with your work? What points of contact exist for support? And how far in advance are you planning at the moment? In the last Rehearsal Space Café of 2022, there will be the opportunity to talk about one’s own situation, the current challenges and newly developed strategies.
This event will take place in German spoken language.