Expert Discussion Forum 1/2019: GEMA and GVL Coaching - Keynote, Exchange of Experiences, Helpful Tips
Expert Discussion Forum 1/2019: GEMA and GVL Coaching - Keynote, Exchange of Experiences, Helpful Tips
A new GEMA tariff was recently published. Th GVL fees have also been newly regulated. What has changed? What do these changes mean for the independent performing arts community?
What old and new problems do those who obligated to pay these fees have? What are the most important current questions?
The Performing Arts Program offers newcomers and long-standing members of the community an information event about the current state of affairs, the backgrounds and solutions to problems. The Bundesverband (BFDK, the German Federal Association of the Independent Performing Arts) is very well acquainted with the tariffs and with the working practice. As an introduction to the topic, Stephan Berhmann from BFDK will provide a short keynote speech on current developments. Following this, there will be the opportunity to ask questions, mutually exchange experiences and to share corresponding tips. The participants are warmly invited to bring notifications of charges with them and to ask their questions based on specific and current examples.