Fully booked: Asserting and Negotiating as a Freelancer

Information Center
17. November 2021 | 11:00 -
K-Salon, Bergmannstraße 54, 10961 Berlin

Fully booked: Asserting and Negotiating as a Freelancer

With Elena Polzer and Andrea Oberfeld (ehrliche arbeit)

How do you successfully negotiate fees? What can I ask for as a freelancer and how should I comport myself? Conversations about fees are a true challenge in the independent performing arts community: we want to support our colleagues and create long-term connections, but we also have to pay the rent and can only afford to keep working when we demand adequate compensation. In this peer-to-peer advisement session, Andrea Oberfeld and Elena Polzer provide insight into their own working practices and offer space for practical discussions and tips about negotiating fees.

Accessibility information: The event will take place in German spoken language, but participants are welcome to ask questions in English. Unfortunately, interpretation into German sign language will not be possible this time. Entry to the ground floor is accessible via a ramp; however, the premises cannot be independently traversed by wheelchair users. Unfortunately, no bathroom facilities for wheelchair users are available. In addition, the building does not have sufficient markers for participants who are visually impaired. In order to ensure that we can orient ourselves to the needs of the participants more strongly in the future, we ask you to please let us know about your requests and needs (you can do so via email and via telephone).

Register by November 11 to: 
beratung [at] pap-berlin.de