Information event: Scenography and Ecological Sustainability
Information event: Scenography and Ecological Sustainability
The information event will introduce the topic of scenography and ecological sustainability. Amongst other content, strategies will be explored through which sustainability can be introduced within the design and production process. In doing so, we will present approaches and opportunities for the realization of this on the basis of practical examples.
Thematic Series: Scenography and Ecological Sustainability. Opportunities and Challenges for Climate-Conscious Designing and Sustainable Production in Scenography
Reducing our CO2 footprint and avoiding the climate catastrophe is perhaps the greatest challenge that humanity is confronted with. Scenographers and other members of the independent performing arts will also be forced to reconsider things: the knowledge surrounding sustainable design processes will certainly become part of basic knowledge in the near future. But is that possible, to design sustainably and to produce in an art form that is designed for a short lifespan? An art form that produces productions for a fix number of performances and then often throws away the stage elements afterward is a state of affairs that is not uncommon in the independent performing arts community as well.
Both events (the information event and the in-depth session) will provide insight into this as well as provide the opportunity to reflect upon one’s own design process under aspects of sustainability and to elaborate the sustainable potential of designs. This workshop is intended primarily for scenographers that predominantly work within the independent performing arts community. The events are, of course, also open to other interested parties.
This thematic series has been created in collaboration with Bund der Szenografen e.V.
This event will take place in German spoken language.
Please sign up and register by May 10, 2022 to: beratung [at] (beratung@)beratung [at] (