Front page

31. May 2023 | 11:00 - 17:00
How are the minimum fee limit recommendations working at the moment at the place where they were created? What changes are coming? Who is working on which differentiations? And, very importantly: how can the necessary increases be financed? This specialist event invites the attendees to expand their practical knowledge and enter into conversation about challenges and solutions.
Berlin Rehearsal Space Platform
25. May 2023 | 16:00 - 19:00
How can we accommodate the users of our spaces in terms of their technical needs? This workshop provides strategies for being able to address the needs of space users in a flexible and plannable way and invites the participants to enter into a mutual exchange with other providers of spaces, technicians and artists.
Information Center
31. May 2023 | 17:00 - 19:00
Networking and discussion with each other as well as with experienced theater makers of the independent performing arts community is now especially called for. Over the course of this informal Stammtisch, or regulars’ table, host Therese Schmidt invites the participants to talk about the needs and typical questions of newcomers and get to know funding opportunities.
Information Center
1. June 2023 | 10:00 - 15:00
Wie viel Geld brauche ich eigentlich zum Leben - monatlich, im Jahr? Und: Wie erkläre ich das jemandem? Wie überzeuge ich Partner*innen, mir genau das auch zu bezahlen? Oder: Wie mache ich es möglich, genau das auch jemandem bezahlen zu können? Wer bei diesen Fragen noch schwimmt, findet in diesem Workshop Strategien, Antworten zu formulieren.

To stream & listen

Industry Get-Together
20. October 2022 - 22. October 2022
From October 20 to 22, 2022, more than 450 participants gathered at Theater Strahl to discuss upcoming challenges of our scene(s), to take a look back at the grown structures of the last 10 years and to exchange ideas about the topics of the present.

For all those who could not be present at our 10th industry get-together: Here you can find selected formats to stream & listen to - enjoy!

Information Center & Mentoring

From legal and tax advice to experienced production managers to marketing and concept strategists.

Online-Services & Websites

If you want to learn more and inform yourself online, you can do so in our directories and on our homepages!

Performing Arts Programm Berlin

With the Performing Arts Program, LAFT Berlin has created an effective instrument for the infrastructural strengthening, professionalization and networking of Berlin‘s independent performing arts community.
No matter whether we are talking about a symposium or a cooperation event, one questions is always at the forefront of the work of the Berlin Performing Arts Program: what and how can we learn from each other and how can we then integrate it sustainably within our own work?