The Cultural School Backpack - Also a Model for Berlin/Germany?

Industry Get-Together
Presentation & Discussion
21. October 2022 | 10:30 -
Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin

The Cultural School Backpack - Also a Model for Berlin/Germany?

What cultural policy challenges is theater for young audiences facing after 30 months in social crisis mode? While it became clear here during the pandemic, at the latest, that the needs of children and young people are placed behind those of adults and the economy, Norway introduced the “cultural school backpack” in 2001. It ensures all students in the country of regular contact with cultural opportunities such as film, art, literature, music or theater.


We have invited Ragnhild Tronstad (Kulturtanken) from Oslo to give us a look at the concept, financing and realization of this program and, following a short break, will enter into conversation with representatives of the practice, the schools as well as Berlin’s senate: How can we ensure consistent cultural participation in Berlin as well?


With Ragnhild Tronstad (Kulturtanken) and representatives of Berlin’s State Committee for Students, MOKS Bremen, the Arbeitskreises der Berliner Kinder- und Jugendtheater (Work Group of Berlin Children’s and Youth Theaters, Assitej Germany (invited) and additional guests from the fields of culture and politics

Moderated by: Elena Philipp (, DLF Kultur)

In German and English spoken language