New Narratives of Affects in Contemporary Culture

Industry Get-Together
21. October 2017 | 18:30
HAU3 Hebbel am Ufer, Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin

New Narratives of Affects in Contemporary Culture

Narrative mechanisms in current influential hits like “Game of Thrones” or “Dunkirk” abandon traditional structures and thus work much directly upon the audience in this manner, they “affect” them. There are also an increasing number of structures in the performing arts which are targeted toward an affective component of the audience, e.g. the affects of the audience seem to be more approachable in installation spaces than they are on stage. Certain productions with “authentic” biographical content also act strongly upon affects. In society, the corridors are controlled by affect and affect-oriented politics are obvious. The goal of the conversation is to describe the connections between societal developments and artistic trends on the basis of specific examples from a variety of genres, classify them and allow them to be communicated to the audience.


Dr. Kirsten Maar (FU Berlin / Hauptstadtkulturfonds)
Veit Sprenger (Showcase Beat Le Mot)