Audio archiv
Audio archiv
Here you can listen to the recordings of the events: In and Out – On Spaces of Resistance and Empowerment, Internationalization in the Independent Performing Arts and Strengthening Independent Artistic Work! The Effect of the Berlin Performing Arts Program on the Economy & Advocacy Structures.

In and Out – On Spaces of Resistance and Empowerment
Racism is a structural problem and penetrates all spheres of society, including the arts as well. This is why people who have been affected by discrimination create their own spaces, be these physical locations or work groups, ensembles, et cetera in which their existential and aesthetic realities can come into focus. How are these spaces created and what significance does their existence have for those involved? What conditions do they exist under? In what scope and in what ways do these conditions influence their methods of working? In what relationship do they stand with other, primarily white spaces?
Following four brief keynote speeches about the construction of alternative spaces, the challenges associated with them as well as the opportunities, we will enter into conversation with the audience and open up the discussion. Alongside networking, the focus will be placed on specific knowledge transfer about possible strategies and tools.
With Saraya Gomis (Berlin’s State Secretary for Diversity and Anti-Discrimination), Jasmin Ibrahim (Theater X) and Barbara Santos (Kuringa)
Moderated by: Aidan Riebensahm (independent dramaturg and member of the Initiative for Solidarity in Theater)
In German and English spoken language.

Internationalization in the Independent Performing Arts
No matter whether we are talking about festivals, networks, delegation trips or international trade fairs: there are a large number of opportunities to make Berlin’s independent performing arts community more visible on the international level and for artists to network with each other. Over the past two years, however, we have had to come to realize that the collaboration beyond the borders of one’s own country is no longer something that can simply be taken for granted due to the climate crisis, war and pandemic. What advantages and disadvantages do we see in international work? What have we learned through the pandemic? What do we have to pay more attention to in terms of international cooperations? And, most of all: how can we maintain and expand existing networks, alliances and federations in challenging times as well?
With Nisha Anders (Goethe-Institut, invited), Julia Cozic (CFB - Centre Français de Berlin), Thomas F. Eder (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), Jorge Tejedor (MeetYou Festival Valladolid) and additional guests
Moderated by: Caroline Galvis (independent theater maker and culture manager)
In English spoken language.

Strengthening Independent Artistic Work! The Effect of the Berlin Performing Arts Program on the Economy & Advocacy Structures
Since 2013, the Berlin Performing Arts Program (PAP) has worked to strengthen, professionalize and network Berlin’s independent performing arts community. In doing so, the project not only has a decisive effect on the development of Berlin as a location for culture; it has also changed the role of LAFT Berlin as the community’s advocate for questions of cultural policy.
After 10 years, it is high time to stock of things: PAP will now undergo a scholarly evaluation. Dr. Janet Merkel from the field of city and regional economies at the Berlin University of Technology is examining the effects of the project on the economic situation of the independent performing arts community and on the location of Berlin. Dr. Alexandra Manske, on the other hand, is examining the effects of the program on the structure of cultural policy advocacy.
During the 10th Industry Get-Together, they will provide insight into their methodology and share the first results of their research. You can also complete the current survey on PAP directly while attending this event!
With Dr. Janet Merkel (sociologist, focal points of the work include urban development, urban economies, art and the creative industries) & Dr. Alexandra Manske (sociologist, focal points of the work include labor and society, the cultural sector and creative economies)
Moderated by: Jan-Tage Kühling (Berlin Performing Arts Program)
In German spoken language.